Born to be Wild: How our name was born

Andy Loveland. Dad, cricket enthusiast, rum lover, Early Rider founder. Andy sat down recently with Enduro Mag, leaders in MTB journalism, to discuss all things Early Rider.

man sitting next to the new ride on toy: the speedster

A Cult Classic

The Early Rider name, derived from the 1969 cult Classic Easy Rider, represents many of the ideals that Andy holds. Riding out on the open road, or trail, with friends, forging your own adventure; all passions that Andy wanted to instil in his young sons. And so Early Rider was born in 2004 with the first balance bike, the original Classic, sourcing inspiration from Easy Rider’s ‘Billy Bike’ with its flaming livery.

Balance bike beginnings.

New to the biking scene, balance bikes were few and far between and did not have the widespread coverage they do today. But quick to catch eyes, the fiery wooden-framed Classic quickly gathered interest. Realising the opportunity, Andy quit his job and set off to Asia on the search for large-scale manufacturing for the new brand.

father and son sitting in a car

Two fingers up to tech

With the rise of technology and the accepted laziness associated with it, Andy was determined for his two young sons to avoid this new cultural norm and focus on the outdoors in person, rather than through a screen. Andy channelled this passion through Early Rider, wanting to inspire other kids and their parents in turn. The goal of Early Rider was never to build a bike brand, Andy’s vision for Early Rider went beyond encouraging wellbeing through cycling. Rather, Early Rider encompasses ‘world being’. The idea that through outdoor activities and adventure of any kind, be it biking, surfing, or snowboarding, kids can grow up to make the world a better place.

If you would like to read the full Enduro Mag article about Andy and Early Rider, please click here.