A daring competitive bike for daring competitive kids

For kids who demand more from their adventuring
We built The Hellion exclusively for that one kid at the top of the climbing frame, the one about to catapult themselves into the deep end, that one really interesting kid who needs just a bit more from their bike.
Competitive kids don’t happen by accident. Their talent is nurtured with plenty of time, space to take risks and the right tools for the job. When it comes to bikes, they need a race-ready, aggressive geometry that’s fast and efficient. They need a pro-level spec that’s light, strong and ultra reliable when pushed to the limits. Plus, they need a robust frame with plenty of squish to soak up those big, scary hits they’ll attempt whether you like it or not.

Designed and dialled for junior pros
If you’ve ever spent time with a pro rider you’ll see how much they obsess over every tiny detail. From suspension set-up to saddle position, for a genuine podium threat, every millimeter matters. We built the Hellion with this exact same level of dial-ability. We truly believe even the smallest, youngest riders can feel when something’ss right, and when it’s off. From perfect kinematics to tyre pressure, we want competitive kids to ride with absolute confidence in their set-up. Because confident kids take calculated risks. And it’s at that intersection where real progress happens.

Limitless potential
That’s why we created a pedal bike for 3-4 year olds with a competitive dirt jump spec. And that’s why we push The Hellion’s boundaries as they grow. As the kid gets braver, bigger and better so does their bike. We recognise it’s a bit of a niche, and not every kid needs this much fire power, but that’s no reason to limit the potential of those who do.
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